Shigeru Miyamoto has said he would love to see user generated content in a Super Mario World

“This is an area that I have a lot of interest in, and I think that the side-scrolling Mario games in particular are well suited to that idea."

“Of course the Mario vs. Donkey Kong series is one that’s made in North America by NST, but it’s one that I’ve been involved in and from early on. We did have a lot of discussions about how to enable that kind of level creation in that series.”

“And I think those types of interactive experiences are going to continue to broaden and we’ll see a lot more user-generated content going forward. I’ve always had an interest in those kinds of creative tools, so I will definitely be open to ideas like that in the future.”
This is of course the exact opposite of what Nintendo seems to want as they try ever harder to stop people moding there games and Wii systems at a time when companies like Microsoft are doing the opposite and allowing the community to grow and evolve with there XBL creators indie games programs.

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