Epic Games' Mark Rein has said that the third Gears of War game won't be coming out this year, but said the company would be supporting games made by customers of its Unreal Engine.

"We don't have any games coming out in 2010," said Rein, "so from a games standpoint, it's more about our customers' games, right? Already this year we've seen some pretty great games this year -- Mass Effect 2, BioShock 2... and Arkham Asylum's coming out in 3D, the GOTY version, so that'll be kinda’ cool."
Gears of War
But the boss at Epic Games, Mike Capps has hinted that a new game could be announced at this years E3. He said:

"We might have a new one coming. I think E3 is going to be very exciting for fans of Epic."

Could we be getting Gears of War 3 next year, then?

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