The long awaited next instalment in the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise “Sonic The Hedgehog 4” an episodic title for PSN / XBLA / WiiWare has been delayed till late 2010 due to SEGA wanting more development time.


“With this dedication to quality and the Sonic experience in mind, SEGA has decided to extend the development of the game, and will now release Sonic The Hedgehog 4 Episode I in the latter half of 2010. The additional time will allow the Development Team to focus on ensuring overall high-quality throughout the game by continuing to tune, balance, and maintain the kind of polish that an important title like this demands, and ultimately providing fans with an unrivalled classic Sonic feel."
Sonic The Hedgehog 4
Sonic 4 is seen by many long term fans of the series as a rising phoenix for the poor Hedgehog which has seen a number of bodged attempts at taking the franchise in new directions. SEGA all so announced that the title would be coming to the iPhone and iPod Touch via Apple’s App Store.

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