Activision’s Executive Vice President of Worldwide Studios, Dave Stohl, says that the company will have it’s several studios focusing on delivering one game at a time.

Stohl said that the current multi-game strategies that have studios working on simultaneous projects "doesn't make sense anymore."

"People want the freedom to put all their resources against the big opportunity, and that's what we're trying to do."
He added:

"We saw it kinda’ coalesce around one or two titles a publisher. On the Guitar Hero side, yeah, we're not pursuing the strategy of doing as many SKUs as we were. And that's a good thing, because that will simplify the strategy around one release on the Guitar Hero side and focus on innovation there."

"We are focusing on our licensed business, from a business standpoint, to see what makes sense. I think we're trying to make every one of those launches really notable."

Well, if this means that we don’t end up with a truck load of mediocre Tony Hawk, Spider-Man and Guitar Hero games then we’ll happily give a massive thumbs-up for Activision.

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