Nintendo has uncovered the very first designs for the first Legend of Zelda game, released on the NES. Drawn in 1985, these include the original specifications, rough sketches of characters and items, the dungeon select screen, the first land map and the first dungeon maps.
Nintendo President Satoru Iwata said:

"The original specifications were drawn up in 1985, and here we are today still making Zelda games based upon these specifications."

He also admitted that the design team had enough ideas from the original sketches to use for the next ten years. Blimey!

Toshihiko Nagako, Nintendo’s SRD president explained how the lands in the game were designed.

"Back then we had some long paper, and Tezuka-san and Miyamoto-san would sit side by side and draw together. You drew the stuff on the left, Tezuka-san, and the right side is Miyamoto-san's. If you look closely, you can tell how a marker was used to make small dots. These are rocks, and these are trees. And you can see Miyamoto-san's personality. At first he's making individual dots, but as he gets tired of it, toward the top, he just fills in a bunch of space!"

Ahh, those were the days. Back when you only need a piece of graph paper to create a classic franchise. Priceless.

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