Peter Jackson
Acclaimed film director behind the Lord of the Rings trilogy and that duff King Kong film, Peter Jackson has talking about how much he enjoys playing Modern Warfare 2.

In an interview with website ‘Ain’t it Cool News, where he should have been talking about his latest film, The Lovely Bones, Jackson talked about playing MW2 with his son.

"He went through the whole game I think about twice and I am almost through two player co-op, though I haven't quite reached the last level, but then we had to hit the road travelling, so we've had a break.”

"It is hard, I know, and to get to that final level, which is what? Echo is it? Bill and I have still got to crack through a lot of things to open up that one level, but it's a great game. I'm enjoying these games more than I am enjoying films at the moment."

Jackson also praised that cinematic techniques that were used in Modern Warfare 2 and how seamless it was to move from gameplay to in-game cut scene.

"They are starting to really blend them in and you get the feeling that you are watching substantial bits of pre-recorded animation which is still great, though, because they are dynamic and done well. They didn't used to be done very well in the old days, but there are people that actually know what they are doing."

Is there anybody out there who doesn’t like Modern Warfare 2? From tennis star to actors to film directors, this games has everybody hooked. We just wonder how long Jackson’s marriage will last until his wife dumps him, Andy Murry style.

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