We’ve were told that the Nintendo 3DS would be out in October 2010, then we heard it wouldn’t be out ‘til Q1 2011, and then it was announced that it would be out in time for Christmas. Now Play.com have posted a release date of November 2010 on their website.

The popular online retailer has posted a listing for a 3DS DragonBall game to be released on November 19th, 2010 followed by a Gundam game to be released on March 25th, 2011.
Nintendo 3DS on Play.com
It’s interesting to point out that these two games are the only 3DS titles on Play.com that have very specific release dates attached to them. Even more interesting is the fact that both games are being developed by Namco Bandai. Perhaps they know more than we do.

In any case, we’re taking this information with a pinch of salt, especially after the numerous changes to the 3DS’ release date. We think that a 2011 release date sounds more plausible.

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