Nintendo has announced the UK release date for Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver. The Gold & Silver remakes will be on sale on March 26, nearly two weeks after the US release on the 14th.

Originally released in 2001 for Game Boy, Pokemon Gold & Silver were hugely successful, selling over one million copies during its first week on sale in the US. The remakes have already sold over three million in Japan where they were released last year.

The game comes bundled with the Pokewalker accessory which is a bit like a Pokemon-themed pedometer. You can transfer a Pokemon from your party and as you walk around in real life, your Pokemon will earn Watts which can be used within the Pokewalker to find and catch Pokemon or items which can then be transferred into HeartGold/SoulSilver.
HeartGold and SoulSilver
Has anyone else realised that the whole Pokewalker is just another way of trying to keep people fit whilst playing games? Seriously, Nintendo; you’ve got to stop thinking about exercise.

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