Although it may not have sold many copies, Madworld could be in-line for the sequel treatment.

Shigenori Nishikawa, the director of Madworld, said that both he and Platinum Games would be interested in making Madworld 2.

"I think Madworld was very well received and was acknowledged for its innovative graphical style and gameplay. We would definitely be interested in making a sequel in the future," he said.

This completely contradicts what Sega of America’s Constantine Hantzopoulos (what a silly name) when he said: "are we going to do more mature titles for the Wii? Probably not."
We’d certainly welcome a sequel to Madworld with open arms. Any game that lets you ram a pole through someone’s face, shove a bin over their head and throw them into the path of an on-coming train is alright with us.

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