New footage shown on the Japanese television show ’The Pokemon Show’ has revealed that the new Black and White games will feature 3-on-3 battles.

Also shown in the footage where three new Pokemon:
Ononokusu, Doryuuzu, Desukaan, Denchura and Moguryu. Ononokusu appears to be a mantis Pokemon, Doryuuzu is a mole with a massive claw on its tail, Desukaan looks like a coffin with ghostly arms and Denchura appears to be a tarantula. Moguryu is also a mole and, apparently, is a pre-evolution of Doryuuzu.
The Pokemon Show also revealed the Japanese release date for the new adventure games as September 18th. No European or American release date has been announced.

In other Pokemon news, players can now take advantage of a new Wi-Fi event for Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HeratGold and SoulSilver where you’ll be able to download Jirachi between June 26th to July 16th. For HG and SS users, you’ll also get the Night’s Sky Edge Pokewalker route. Poketastic!
The long awaited up date of the massively popular iPhone game Street Fighter IV has finally arrived from Capcom, the update sees two new characters added (Cammy and Zangief) to the roster bringing the total to ten, the update all so adds a new title screen and changes the app icon form Ken and Ryu to just Ryu pulling off a Hadouken, sadly the update does not bring along any new moves for existing characters or new stages to play on.
Street Fighter IV iPhone
Hands up if you have an iPhone or some sort of other smart phone, hands up how many of you have games on that phone, and finally hands up all those that have Nintendo games on that phone yeah that’s right non of use and it would seem we never will, president of Nintendo Satoru Iwata has spoken about how he feels that having Nintendo made games appear on other platforms would be detrimental to the over all model of Nintendo.

“We think Nintendo is a company whose value is recognized by the way that we combine great software experiences with particular hardware capabilities that only we can offer”

“Therefore my feeling is that offering our IP on other devices would have an adverse impact on the overall value of our company and at the same time I think that it's not something that would add value to Nintendo”
Smart phone's & Nintendo never going to happen
Ok we can see where he is coming from and to some extend he has a point but how cool is it to be sat on a train of on your lunch break and play Street Fighter IV or Resident Evil and then be able to call your buddy or post you score to facebook or twitter.
Marvel Comics have just revealed that they have teamed up with 343 Industries (Microsoft’s keepers of all things Halo) and that they are working on a full comic adaptation of the highly successful book the Fall of Reach set in the Halo universe, the Fall of Reach is set as a prequel to the events that occurs in Halo: Combat Evolved and sees the creation of the Spartan II project and the birth of John 117.
Halo Reach / Marvel Comics
The first issue “Boot Camp” is set to hit shelves in September and is being drawn by Felix Ruiz and written by Brian Reed.
In a recent interview with Forbes magazine Nintendo boss Satoru Iwata has hinted at the possibility of the 3DS having the capability of holding video chats with other 3DS owners.

"technologically speaking, a variety of different things are possible with the 3DS, for example, 3D video chat."

He all so mentioned that an announcement regarding the launch date, pricing and unnamed new features would be revealed soon.
Nintendo 3DS
Mike Hayes
As many of you know we here at VGS hold Sega in high regard not only because of there past but at there attempts to cater for all and move the industry on, and with Microsoft unveiling Kinect properly at this years E3 Sega where the first to stand up and say “hay what about hardcore gamers” as all that was shown off was a mix of very Wii-esque games, and with Sega’s history of attempting to move the Wii on to more then a party machine (dam we are going to get angry e-mails for that one) they are placed perfectly to adapt Kinect to the hardcore market.

Sega West president Mike Hayes:

"The dev kits we've had to work on have been exponentially improving over the period we've had them (about a year). The amount you can do out of the blocks is actually made pretty tricky.

"My guess is when we're at E3 next year, more of the features of Kinect will be in use by developers. I think you'll find more clever and sophisticated applications then. It is a reasonably complicated piece of kit, therefore it's going to take us longer to use all of those aspects in a game. We're not going to be able to develop something [for the hardcore] in under a year, which is frankly what we've had.

"As developers, we understand that. [PlayStation] Move is probably slightly different because we've been involved with that kind of motion control with Wii and to be honest what we did with EyeToy etc. before, so it's probably easier for Sony to show and deliver more right now.

"We want to do more clever things on it - create original ways of using it, rather than just taking existing ideas and not just doing the same thing. Having said that, of course, with the success that we've had with Wii, there are a lot of motion games we would like to reinvent for Move and Kinect.

"We've got a tech group based in England, in Southall [Middlesex]. We took them from the Racing Studio when we closed that as it was actually a very good team - we just couldn't find something for them to do. They're sat with their test tubes and bunsen burners and that's exactly what they're doing - using the new devices to see what we can do in an original way.

"We've got one good idea and hopefully something will be out the back end of next year, perhaps early 2012, which we think will use the aspects of Kinect a lot more originally and in a more sophisticated way."

So how about it Mad World Kinect anyone, are there any existing Sega franchise you would like see take advantage of Kinect let us know in the comments bar below.

Rockstar games summer block buster title Red Dead Redemption sees its first slice of DLC pie this week on both the XBOX 360 and PS3 in the form of the Outlaws to the End co-op mission pack

The 'Outlaws To The End' pack features six new multiplayer missions for 2-4 players, plus new Achievements and Trophies. The modes include

"Walton's Gold"
Walton's Gang have taken control of a mining camp rich with gold. Fight through the camp and load your mine cart with as much gold as you can carry and get out as fast as you can - Walton's boys have rigged the place to blow.

"The River"
Ride a raft down river, taking out rebel encampments along the way until you reach the rebel stronghold of Nosalida and a final epic battle for the town's massive weapons caches. Watch out for Gatling gun-equipped enemy rafts.

The Mexican Army has the town of Tesoro Azul under siege. Storm the gates under heavy cannon, Gatling gun and sniper fire to destroy the Mexican artillery placements.
Red Dead Redemption - Outlaws To The End
And will cost you the high price tag of FREE although subsequent DLC will come a fixed with a price tag.
It was revealed at E3 that the Nintendo 3DS will be launched in March 2011, but Nintendo of America President, Reggie Fils-Aime has confirmed that the new handheld console will be released worldwide on March 31st, 2011.

The Regginator said:

"The reason we haven't announced a launch date or pricing is that, first, we wanted to get reaction here. Secondly, we'll be making individual market decisions in terms of what's happening in Japan, what's happening in the Americas, what's happening in Europe.”

"The one thing, for sure, is that we will launch in all of our major markets by March 31, 2011."
Nintendo 3DS
There still hasn’t been any word news of how much the 3DS will cost, but analyst suggest that it will cost between $200-$250.

According to a UK retailer, Nintendo has decided to push back the release date of the 3DS. Apparently marketing campaigns will begin in early October followed by the release of the new console during the Christmas period next year.

The anonymous bloke from the retailer said:

"Early indications to us are that the launch is going to emulate Wii in December. We've been informed that Nintendo wanted a long run-up to Christmas, but now it's going to be a close-run thing. We're not expecting a lot of stock before next year."
The Chancellor of the Coalition Government, George Osborne, has announced that there will no-longer be a tax break for video game studios in the UK.

Back in March of this year the former Labour Chancellor, Alistair Darling announced that the UK games industry would see a tax break similar to the British film industry. But Osborne has today scrapped the idea saying that the previous proposal was “poorly targeted.”
George Osborne
Many UK developers knew that the tax break was in the firing line to get withdrawn by the new Coalition Government, and George Osborne was vocal about his tough cuts in the lead-up to the Budget.

Development industry trade body TIGA has spoken of its fear of the 'brain drain' facing the UK industry if it didn’t get tax relief. According to TIGA figures, the UK's games development workforce has fallen by a shocking 44 studios since 2008.

Major British developments studios Lionhead, Rockstar and Codemasters are all effected by today’s news.
For all of you people who are planning on buying the new Xbox 360 Slim then listen to this; apparently the new console has a built-in mechanism which prevents it from the dreaded Red Ring of Death… or in this case the Red Dot of Death.
Xbox 360 Slim warning message
The photo (above) shows a warning message telling the user that the console will shut down in order to protect the console from over-heating due to “insufficient ventilation.”

The good news is that once the machine has had enough time to cool down it can been started up again once the power light stops flashing.

This is certainly some reassuring news to any future buyers of the new console, but only time will tell to see how prone the new 360 Slim is to over-heating. However, Microsoft have said that they have fixed the Red Ring of Death completely, which is nice.