The Sky Player has officially launched today on the Xbox Live Marketplace with 24 channels available to watch.

If you’re an Xbox Live Gold member and also have either a Sky TV or Sky Player subscription, then you can watch all 24 channels directly from your Xbox 360. However, for all of you non-Sky subscribers then don’t worry, because you can still subscribe to the service for £15 per month, but the sport channels will cost you an extra £19 per month.

Terrestrial channels and HD channels are not being show through the service, but Sky’s Griff Parry said:

"More channels are being added all the time and we're confident terrestrial broadcasters will join."

Sky’s David Mercer added:

"For BSkyB it offers further evidence that its future subscriber growth is not dependent on its traditional satellite set-top box strategy."

"For Microsoft it is further confirmation that the Xbox is on its way to becoming not just a games console, but rather a complete home entertainment system."
Sky Player
Like us, you may have had some trouble getting the Sky Player service to actually work. Well Microsoft has pulled the Sky Player from Xbox Live and will be bringing it back later today. Hopefully they’ll have fixed whatever was wrong with it in time for us to watch The Simpsons.

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