Sega Saturn
The other week, we told you that Sega were planning to release around 20 Dreamcast games on both Xbox Live Arcade and the PlayStation Network. But what about the possibility of Sega Saturn games making their return on the digital services?

Yosuke Okunari, the man behind some of the upcoming Dreamcast releases, has explained why Sega decided to bring back Dreamcast games instead of Saturn ones.

"The Genesis and Dreamcast are well known, but Saturn is unknown,” he said. “During that period, PlayStation and Nintendo 64 were a success overseas, but to be honest Saturn was not a success. Because of this, we decided on Dreamcast."

But there may still be hope for the Saturn fanatics, as Okunari mentioned that Sega are still considering to port over some Saturn titles to different digital services.

"What we announced this time is a project where we will have consecutive releases of titles that were debuted on Dreamcast. Separate from this, we're of course thinking about ports of Saturn games. It's the same as how Sega Ages and Virtual Console were separate existences. It's not that we have no intention of porting Saturn titles."

Although the Sega Saturn wasn’t a huge success, it still hold a special place in many gamers (including us). If Sega ever had trouble thinking about what games to port over, then we’d be more than happy to give them a list a games as long as our arms.

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