Let’s be honest, Capcom aren’t very good at keeping secrets. Everybody knew about Dead Rising 2, Marvel Vs Capcom 2 and Okamiden before they were even officially announced. The same can now be said about Super Street Fighter IV.

With Super Street Fighter IV now confirmed, we can let you in on some information about the game. First of all, there will be a total of eight new characters, two of which have already been revealed; T. Hawk from Super Street Fighter II make a comeback in SSFIV and newcomer Juri makes her presence known as the very first Tae-Kwon-Do fighter in SF history. It also looks as if Dee Jay will be making an appearance in the game too as seen here in the latest issue of Famitsu.
Dee Jay and T. Hawk in Famitsu magazine
This is all the proof we need
SSFIV will also include "comprehensive tuning" of existing fighters as well as New ultra combos for returning fighters and reworked online matches. Unfortunately, SSFIV will not be DLC but will, instead, be released on it’s own disc. The games developer, Yoshinori Ono, explained why.

“There were times when we considered just going with a download approach with this, but the reality of it is that there’s so much content in it and so much fine tuning going that it’s just not practical as a download, so it will be a full-on disc release.”

But don’t worry about the price of SSFIV, because Ono went on to say:

“I do want to make this promise right now, it’s no going to be a full price game.”

If you already own SFIV then don’t be tempted to trade it in because, from the sounds of it, there may be a bonus for you.

“To be clear, this is not an expansion disc as much as you don’t need the original game to play this one, but you’ll be happy you didn’t sell your copy of IV when this game comes out.”

Super Street Fighter IV is due out in Spring 2010 on Xbox 360 and PS3.

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