American games retailer, GameStop, has revealed that Super Street Fighter IV will be released on March 23rd.

The retailer have also slapped a price tag of $39.99 on the game as well which, roughly, means it will be £25 over here, give-or-take.

Super Street Fighter IV is set to include eight new characters including T. Hawk, Dee Jay and newcomer Juri, along with re-balanced characters, improved online features and a brand new story to follow. Plus, if you already own SFIV you’ll be rewarded with something special, which is yet to be known.
But is £25 asking too much for an updated version of a game that came out in Febuary? Well we say, compared to all the bloody football games that come out every year at £40 then ‘No', £25 is a decent price as far as we're concerned.

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