Perhaps one of the most over-complicated mates to play with your mates online, Nintendo’s Friend Codes are nothing short of a pain in the ass, but if rumours are to be believed then Friends Codes could be a thing of the past.
Friend Codes
IGN has said that they have "heard rumours that friend codes will be going away for Wii, it'll just be a system code." We can only hope and pray that it’s true.

Nintendo president, Satoru Iwata admitted, last year, that Nintendo's restrictions on interaction via Wii Connect 24 could be improved and has said the company will be working to improve the service in the future.

"First of all, I don't think the current system we have with friend codes is perfect"

"However, if it's an online world where you can get access to anybody without any restrictions, I as a father do not feel like allowing my daughter be engaged in that kind of world."

So what do you think? Is ditching the Friends Codes really a good thing… If you want our opinion, then we think it is.

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