In a move that can hopefully only be met with joy by so many beaten Star Wars fans LucasArts has been talking about plans to possible bring the tale of Lord Vader’s secret apprentice to the small screen.

Haden Blackman

“Hopefully some day we will see these characters on the big or little screen”

“we're already seeing it [The Force Unleashed] reach out into publishing with comic books and novels that are taking into account stories we've created and characters we've created”

“We're dealing in a period of time that has largely been unexplored by anything," he said. "Force Unleashed was the first major story we set in that time period. I think we surprised a lot of fans with that story because we showed the formation of the Rebel Alliance and introduce the concept of the dark secret apprentice”
The Force Unleashed
As a game The Force Unleashed was ok but as Star Wars cannon it was great and after being dealt a kick in the ball from Lucas with the last three films The Force Unleashed TV / Movie would go a long way to making up for it. The Force Unleashed 2 is set to be released October 26.

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