Tony Hawk
Tony Hawk has announced, via Twitter, that the next game in the series is already underway, and it looks like Robomodo, the team behind the disaster known as Tony Hawk: Ride.

"Just met with Robomodo about our next project,” he said. "It's already much better than I expected." Well, it can’t get any worse than their last game.

Hawk recently slated critics for their terrible reviews of Tony Hawk: Ride, claiming that"Most snarky critics had their minds set before ever seeing/playing the game."

"I don't agree with people who say the board's not responsive. I think that they're just not giving it a fair shake. And I think a lot of them came into it with an attitude that it's going to suck."

No other information was reviled about the next Hawk game, but details are promised to be announced soon.

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