After the release of the demo to Forza Motorsport 3, people have been criticizing the games graphics and saying that they don’t as good the screenshots.

Complaints focus mainly on the car models, which appear to be of a noticeably lower detail than when in the game's photo mode.

Turn 10 representative, Che Chou says:

"One clarification about photomode and screenshots we've released so far. Aside from the added effects such as AA, DOF, and motion blur, all assets you see in photomode are the same."

"Although I do stand corrected on one factor which is the player car. They do have higher detail in photomode while all other cars, the environments, etc. are exactly what you see in game."

"Games with bad graphics distract me from my experience. That said, when I play FM3, I do not think about how awful the graphics are or low in-game car models, etc. simply because the overall effect is that the game looks good. Can it look better? Yes, totally and I agree it is not perfect. But does it justify the vitriol of some of the threads I've scanned this morning? I'm not sure that it does."
Forza Motorsport 3
If you think that this dosen't look good, then you're blind

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