Ubisoft’s creative director for Red Steel 2, Jason Vandenberghe has shared his thoughts on realistic games on the Wii, saying that there’s no point in developing them.
Red Steel 2
In an interview with CVG magazine, Vandenberghe said:

"I don't see the point in trying to do too much realism on the Wii."

"Why compete with the Xbox 360? The Conduit is a great example. Talk about an incredible piece of technology. Those guys did an amazing job of modernizing the Wii engine."

"It's got to be frustrating for them (High Voltage),"
he added. "Gamers will see the flaws, not your work. They're not going to see all the effort you put in. Any developers working on the Wii, I recommend you stylise the look because it helps. I think it looks cool anyway."

It’s a fair comment than he made, and we agree with him. The Wii could never pull off a game like Alan Wake or Heavy Rain. Let’s hope that they can’t deliver a good gaming experience with Red Steel 2.

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