Having made games such as Half-Life, Left 4 Dead and Portal we’re pretty sure that Valve aren’t in any hurry to make a more casual game. Well, the developer has pledged that they’ll never make a “tiresome” party game.

Speaking to UK magazine, CVG,
Valve writer Chet Faliszek said that the studio believes Project Natal is "really cool," but begged other developers not to waste the opportunity it presents.

"Hopefully we've gotten past the point of mini-games," he said. "I'm sick of that. That's not a game for me anymore. Let's get some real interaction going. “

"We have these technologies now that let us interact in different, really exciting ways. It's developers' jobs to do something with it. Impress me. Don't just make shitty games I wouldn't want to play if I had to use a joystick."

When asked if Valve was looking to put Natal compatibility in any of its future Left 4 Dead games, Faliszek added:

"We'll see. You won't have to make the arm movement of sawing off a zombie's head in some tiresome mini-game. I can promise you that."

Good man. We’re also tired of boring ass min-game and party games. Let’s get back to basics, where we saved princesses and killed aliens invading Earth.

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