It seems to us that someone is just pointing out the obvious, but a recent study from America has shown that videogames have a negative impact of children’s homework.

According to the study, children (boys in particular) who receive their first console show no signs of improvement in reading or writing tests over a period of four months.

Robert Weis, the co-author of the study at Denison University in Ohio said:

"For children without games, scores go up over time. For boys with games, scores remain relatively stable. You don't see the typical development in reading and writing."
Kids playing videogames
The Entertainment Software Association (ESA) responded to the study and said:

"Can anyone be surprised that kids tend to play more with new videogames, or toys or bicycles, than with the older ones?"

As far as we’re concerned, doing any other activity away from school work will, of course affect, school work negatively, whether it‘s playing videogames, football or a musical instrument. Perhaps the parents should step in and do something about it.

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