To celebrate the 15th anniversary of the WipEout series Sony has launched what could possibly the best thing to have ever been on PlayStation Home: The WipEout Museum.

Ok, so on the surface it doesn’t sound awfully great, but there’s some awesome stuff on offer. Not only will you be able to look back through the history of WipEout, but you’ll also be able to have a little bit of fun.
WipEout Museum
There's a top-down WipEout racing mini game called WipEout 2D, a gallery-style blaster called WipEout Shooter and an interactive DJ area that lets you blast music from the game. There's also a Team Logo Hunt activity, which gets you poking around the space on a treasure hunt.

And on top of all that there’s also some free WipEout themed clothes for you’re virtual self to wear including T-Shirts, accessories and hats.

So is this the best use of virtual space in PS Home. So far the survey says ‘Yes.’

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