According to reports, Sega is planning to bring out the third instalment of the Yakuza series in Europe and America.

The first two games were released over here, but we had to wait a year for each one to come out after there were out in Japan. But the Yakuza 3 looked as if it would never be released outside of Japan, but that could all change.

Sega of America assistant community manager Aaron Webber said:

"Yakuza 3 is not cancelled - and the possibility for localizing it does, in fact, still exist."

"The original news story that went around about Yakuza 3 being declined for the US was false, and localizing the game still remains a big point of discussion for many people here at SEGA, and especially those of us on SEGA's community team.”

Look like we’ll, once again, be able to beat up some Japs, but this time it’ll be in HD. Whooo! We’ll bring you more on this story as it develops.

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