The Legend of Zelda
Nintendo legend Miyamoto has been talking recently about how he has tried to make the control system for the up coming Zelda title (the second one on the Wii) more accessible to casual gamers.

“For us, it is important to the to optimise gameplay and make the controls easier. We do our best to make the controls player friendly, since 'Zelda' has become complicated”

He all so made note to comment on what fellow college Eiji Anoumas has said about plans to surprise fans of the Zelda series and all so a little bit on the mysterious character in the games promo art poster.

“For us, two things are important: to meet expectations and to surprise people. How we do it this time, I will not reveal. Normally, we create the video sequences, and these sequences are expanded. But this time we started with the game structure. And then with the video sequences. So this time it was reversed. Therefore, we have had little so far from the game to show. But will publish a lot close to the game's completion”

“This image plays an important role in the plot. At E3 you will see what I mean”

Ok we are making an open bet that the character has some thing to do with the games signature weapon the Master Sword, but we don’t really have long to wait as E3 is just around the corner.

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