This awesome pac-man arcade cabinet cake was created by cupcake Jonas for an undisclosed pac-man fan and is 100% edible although you must have a heart made of stone to actually destroy it and eat it.
Created by Kim Herbst this picture show just how much crap poor old link has to lug around hyrule with him and was created for the 8-bit and beyond art show held in 2009.
Well done Kim Herbst can we have a copy for the VGS office.
Well to be honest there is not much to say about this as the pictures really speak for them self’s “this dude loves pac-man” we would not mind a spin it thought next time its over here in the UK.
All so whilst we are on the topic of car’s this has to be the best license plate ever.
can we have a ride
Remember Ana Fuji the skilled pastry artist that made the pokemon chocolate covered bon-bons, well shes been at it again this time with Nintendo’s main man and most of the mushroom kingdom.
Seriously Ana where are our free samples.