Following the discovery of a photo taken at TGS 09 this past weekend with Yoshinori Ono (Capcom producer that worked on SFIV) and Peter Andre with what looks like a game of Street Fighter IV being played in the back ground with T.Hawk, most have speculated that Capcom are planning to release an updated version of SFIV possible titled “Super Street Fighter IV”, well today Capcom has just fanned the flames of speculation by releasing a teaser site to an upcoming game here, now far be it for us to suggest that it’s a site for Super Street Fighter IV what with two characters fighting over an erupting volcano and the words “new warrior” in the URL address its self, if its not for some sort of updated version of the top class fighter we will eat our hats.
Capcom are said to be making an announcement regarding the site during the early part of this week, we will keep you posted as itdevelops.
At this years Tokyo Games Show not only was a second 9 plus minute long trailer shown for Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker on the PSP but also a playable demo of the game all be it in Japanese, now we know that you might not have been able to get there to play it your self’s so Kojima Productions have allowed the demo to be distributed online for free, click the MGSPW logo below that will take you to the download.
Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker TGS 09 Trailer
Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker DEMO

You need Firmware 6.0 on the PSP
Download and unzip the file below.
Install the file by going into USB Mode on the PSP.
On your computer go to the PSP folder, then the game folder, then drop "NPJH90063" into that folder.
An image has surfaced on the internet this weekend taken at the Tokyo Games Show 2009, the guy in the red is Yoshinori Ono a producer from Capcom that worked on Street Fighter IV, the guy in the blue is a Peter Andre look alike reporter from Germany and there both doing there best to look cool doing a couple of hadoukens, but take a look at the back ground, see the TV, see whats on the TV, yeah that’s T.Hawk also take a look at the bottom of the picture and notice the giant S behind the Street Fighter IV logo, stands for “Super” maybe, Capcom are rumoured to be announcing some thing this Monday so we will keep you posted.

The last big games show of the year the Tokyo games show kicks off today, September 24th and runs thought until the September 27th with press conferences coming from each one of the big 3 we will keep you updated daily with all the goings on in the spiritual home of gaming
TGS 2009
Today (September 19th 2009) is international talk like a pirate day and to celebrate TellTale Games are giving away part 1 of Tales of Monkey Island for FREE all you have to do is head on over to there website here and sign up
this offer is only going to be live for 24 hours so don’t miss out.
With the count down to Halo 3 ODST launching almost at an end Bungie bring us another one of there self titled ViDoc’s, this time we get a chance to meet some of the guys from Bungie that have spent the last year locked away in a big warehouse or so it would seem.
What did you do with your summer, go on holiday, go fishing or maybe you stayed at home and worked on those pesky XBOX 360 achievements that have alluded you for so long, well master paper crafter Haywan went one better then all of us, he spent his summer crafting a life sized Link OUT OF PAPER.
Haywan & Link
Be sure to check out the link here for more pictures and 10 videos of Haywan at work crafting