Tis the season to have a cool looking Christmas tree, and with these video game themed ornaments you can’t go wrong, there inspired by the worlds most beloved plumber and are created by deviantART user Kalapusa.
xmas ornaments
We would definitely have these hanging from our tree if it had not turned brown all ready cause we forgot to water it and have the heating turned way up.
Theirs nothing better then having a few beers on a Saturday night followed by a late night Halo 3 fest with your buddies, but what do you do when the beers run out, you’ve pwned your last noob and all the covenant are dead, well then its time for bed and what better way to spend those cold lonely nights with then this one of hand crafted energy sword wielding halo elite.
Hand made by deviant art user junoluver, and crafted primarily form luxurious silky microfiber fabric, this is one human hating alien we would love to jump in bed with.
What’s a really cool idea if you’re a street fighter fan, how about getting one of the games most iconic move’s tattooed on to your arm, what’s not a cool idea, getting the move set wrong and having it tattooed on your arm forever.
At first glance you might think nothing in this picture is wrong however the correct directions to push in order to pull of the Rising Dragon Fist (Shoryuken) are Forward, Down, Diagonal Down Forward + Punch and not Down, Forward, Diagonal Down Forward + Punch all that is going to do is leave wide open whilst your mate kick’s the crap out of you.