These awesome pumpkins where made by Beatboxtaun to celebraite her favourite time of year Halloween and her favourite video game creator Miyamoto.
Check the Mario and Boo pumpkins she made last as well as some punch out themed scarves here
This picture was taken in a local grocery store some where in middle America and yes that’s Donkey Kong and yes he’s made out of soda cans and yes that is the blurriest man we have ever seen as well.
kong cola
We are not sure what’s more scary, the law suit for when that thing falls on some one or the law suit that Reginald Fils-Aimé will file if he see’s that thing when he goes grocery shopping.
These pokemon inspired chocolate bon-bons were created by skilled pastry artist Ana Fuji
pokemon cake's
If you are reading this Ana we would very much appreciate a free sample, YUM YUM!
Making you look good whilst stomping around Halo 3 Multiplayer. Please note that to obtain all armour variants you will need to own a copy of Halo 3 and Halo 3: ODST.
This is a picture of a billboard advertising the still yet to be announced but almost 100% definitely going to happen Resistance 3, the picture was taken on the set of the upcoming sci-fi/action film Battle: Los Angeles staring Michelle Rodriguez and Aaron Eckhart, of cause because this is not an official announcement almost nothing is know about the game, what we can speculate thought is that the Chimera have made it to America more specifically New York as seen by the statue of liberty inside the “A” of Resistance.
Battle: Los Angeles is currently set for a February 2011 release date so the chance of getting anything out of Sony or developers Insomniac Games before then looks rather slim, lets just hope this billboard is a sign of things to come unlike the superman/batman billboard seen in the Will Smith movie I Am Legend.
Eliza Dushku
Actress Eliza Dushku sat down with MTV news for a recent interview to talk about all thing celebrity and her recent role as the voice talent for lead character Rubi in WET published by A2M, and teased at the possibility of a live action film where she might reprise her role as Rubi.

We can only pray that is was wishful thinking on her part, you don’t have to be a genius to see that the transition from video game to silver screen has never been an easy one, can anyone say Uwe Boll.

Want a PSPgo, nah neither do we but we would take a couple of these of your hands, what your looking at is not a brand new PSPgo from sony but rather a knock off (pachimono) made in china called a PXP-2000 (yes honest to god that’s what they have called it) how ever unlike a lot of knock off console clones to come out of china that play simple homebrew clones of games preloaded on the machine this one is actually kind of cool, you can run emulators to play NES, Gameboy, Super Nintendo and Mega Drive games, It also plays multimedia files, has an FM tuner, and 2GB of built-in storage, you can even add more memory via an SD card slot.
American online retailers are placing a RRP of $149 that’s about £95 in real money.
This weekend saw the launch of a new series of adverts by Microsoft showcasing the arrival of the Sky Player on XBOX 360 and apart from getting the song “dominos” by the big pink stuck in you head we are sure the adverts were about as helpful as a hole in the head by way of any actual info on the service unless you looked really hard at the text squashed into the bottom of the screen, well rest your eyes and fear not Sky have put up an official website containing all you need to know (well apart from a launch date and any idea of cost if any) click here to view the site.