With the release of the halo reach public beta only a couple of months away bungie have released a new multiplayer trailer using alpha test footage to wet your appetite, but just in case the video was a little to fast for some of you we have broken it down in to a series of stills.
You know how much we love video game themed food around here well this one tops the lot, 100 cupcakes all made to look like different video games (ok a couple of the are board games) created by flicker user Z Andrei.
Can you name ever game before we eat them all NOM NOM NOM.
Fiberglas blades have produced this authentic Master Sword Replica from the Legend Of Zelda series published by Nintendo for use in cosplay events.

This replica of Link's Master Sword from Zelda: Twilight Princess is a perfectly accurate cosplay and collector prop. The sword was made with durable resin and reinforced with aluminium or fibreglass rods for structural support, making it well balanced for carrying as a cosplay prop. The paint was custom automotive paint for a metallic and mirror-like shine, and to resist minor scratches. The sword measures about 42" long, and weighs about 3lbs. The sheath was lined with suede and soft foam to keep the blade firmly in place, and prevent scratches while sheathing. The sword was also made for a Dark Link version as well.”
master sword
A Nintendo and five games recently sold on eBay for a staggering $13,105. And why you may ask, well Because of a Bandai 'Stadium Events' game BOX that alone is worth is worth $9,500.

Stadium Events is incredibly rare, and the manual and (most importantly) the box even more so. The value breaks down something like this:

$13,000 NES
And why is it so rare you might ask, well because at the time of its launch during the holiday season of 1987, Stadium Events was only available in limited stores across north America and is one of only two games branded to work with the family fun fitness mat before Nintendo purchased the rights to the technology and re-branded it as the power pad, due to this re-branding Nintendo pulled all the copies of the game from store shelves and presumable destroyed them, however before this could happen it is estimated that about 200 copies made there way to customers of which it is believe few then 20 still exist and to add to the rarity of the item it is believed that only one copy still remains factory sealed.
family fun fitness - stadium events
family fun fitness - stadium events
Time to get your arse down to a car boot sale.
For get guitar hero learn to play the real thing then get you hand's on one of these, this was sent in to us by a VGS community member who forgot to send his/her name with it so I am going to take credit for it and pretend its mine (not really)

“The guitar is right handed. I play it so the Koopa is on its back (it's been stomped). When it is on a guitar stand it's walking about. Just pretend Mario jumped on the Koopa Troopa and chose to hold it for too long so it's escaping.”
Is this you guitar ? if so let us know so we can give you credit for it, also you address so we can come round and steal it from you.
This awesome pac-man arcade cabinet cake was created by cupcake Jonas for an undisclosed pac-man fan and is 100% edible although you must have a heart made of stone to actually destroy it and eat it.
Created by Kim Herbst this picture show just how much crap poor old link has to lug around hyrule with him and was created for the 8-bit and beyond art show held in 2009.
Well done Kim Herbst can we have a copy for the VGS office.
Well to be honest there is not much to say about this as the pictures really speak for them self’s “this dude loves pac-man” we would not mind a spin it thought next time its over here in the UK.
All so whilst we are on the topic of car’s this has to be the best license plate ever.
can we have a ride
Remember Ana Fuji the skilled pastry artist that made the pokemon chocolate covered bon-bons, well shes been at it again this time with Nintendo’s main man and most of the mushroom kingdom.
Seriously Ana where are our free samples.
Tis the season to have a cool looking Christmas tree, and with these video game themed ornaments you can’t go wrong, there inspired by the worlds most beloved plumber and are created by deviantART user Kalapusa.
xmas ornaments
We would definitely have these hanging from our tree if it had not turned brown all ready cause we forgot to water it and have the heating turned way up.