After the huge success of PlatinumGames’ Bayonetta, director Hideki Kamiya has hinted that a possible sequel could be on the way.

In in interview with Game Informer, Kamiya said:

"We obviously have love for the work we have created, so I don't see anything wrong with Bayonetta 2."

"Personally, I'd like to approach the world of Bayonetta from a different angle, in the form of a spin-off."

A spin-off, eh? We’re not too sure how that would work. We think that implementing some sort of co-op feature would be the best route, but what do we know, right?

If you haven’t done so already, then check out our review of Bayonetta here.

Final Fantasy fans will no doubt be wetting their pants right now, thanks to the announcement from Square Enix, saying that both Final Fantasy I and II will be released on the iPhone.

Revealed on their Facebook page, Square Enix said:

"Over 20 years since the original releases, Final Fantasy and Final Fantasy II are coming to iPhone/iPod touch."
No other information was revealed, but more details will be coming soon. Chances are that the games will be ports of the recently released PSP versions.

In other Final Fantasy news, the classic PlayStation title, Final Fantasy VIII will be coming to the PlayStation Store on February 4th.
Tony Hawk
Tony Hawk has announced, via Twitter, that the next game in the series is already underway, and it looks like Robomodo, the team behind the disaster known as Tony Hawk: Ride.

"Just met with Robomodo about our next project,” he said. "It's already much better than I expected." Well, it can’t get any worse than their last game.

Hawk recently slated critics for their terrible reviews of Tony Hawk: Ride, claiming that"Most snarky critics had their minds set before ever seeing/playing the game."

"I don't agree with people who say the board's not responsive. I think that they're just not giving it a fair shake. And I think a lot of them came into it with an attitude that it's going to suck."

No other information was reviled about the next Hawk game, but details are promised to be announced soon.

Tiger Woods may be loosing a lot of work lately, but EA aren’t ready to ditch him just yet thank to the announcement of Tiger Woods PGA Tour 11.

The game is due to hit store shelves in June and will be out on Xbox 360, PS3 and Wii although, the PC version, which will be called ‘Tiger Woods PGA Tour Online’ will be a browser-based subscription game. An open beta of the game is available to tryout now.
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 09
Tiger Woods PGA Tour Online boasts new features such as Facebook connection, a 'Golfer Progression' career mode and a 'Pro Shop' for micro-transactions. Executive producer, Mike Taramykin said:

"During beta testing we've already seen tremendous participation and enthusiasm from golf fans around the world for Tiger Woods PGA Tour Online."

"We're looking forward to offering all players the opportunity to preview the game for free in the coming weeks.”
With details of the next Zelda game to hit the Wii being rather scarce, we’re a little bit sceptical about some of the recent rumours of the new game.

Mind you, we shouldn’t be, because the rumours come from popular Japanese message board site, 2chan and it turns out that most of their rumours turn out to be true. They were the first people to uncover the stories for Metal Gear Solid 4, Resident Evil 4 & 5, The Wind Waker and every single Kingdom Hearts game. Not to shabby, if you ask us.

So, you could say that this is trusted information, but what could we (possibly) be expecting in the new Zelda game?

Well, something that was confirmed last year by the games producer, Eiji Aonuma is that the traditional gameplay of dungeon-field-dungeon will be changed, however we don’t know how drastic this change will be, but, according to 2chan, the gameplay mechanics are complete.
The Legend of Zelda
At the start of the game you’ll be able to choose which hand Links hold his sword, obviously to accommodate for all of those Lefties in the world. Also, the girl in the official art work isn’t the Master Sword. In fact, rumours suggest that the Master Sword won’t even be in the game. The girls name will possibly be Adelle, Adella, or Aderu; she won’t be your companion throughout the game like Navi or Midna, instead she will simply communicate with you through Link’s sword.

The rumours also say that Epona will return along with horseback combat from Twilight Princess. This time, Epona will be able to avoid obstacles automatically, so you can focus on the fighting.

But what about the story? Well, interestingly, we could be seeing the return of The Hero of Time from Ocarina of Time, which suggest that time travel could be returning. Not only that, but it sounds as if the game will not just take place in Hyrule but in other lands/regions.

Again, we want to stress that these are just rumours, not fact. It’s very rare for Nintendo games to have their information leaked before the game’s released. Although some of these theories do sound interesting, you should take them with a pinch of salt. We honestly can’t imagine a Zelda game with out the trusty Master Sword. Sorry but we just can’t see it happening.
Sega have confirmed the European release date of Yakuza 3, on PS3, will be March 12th.

The long overdue port of the popular Japanese game will not have any English-dubbed voices, but if you’ve been waiting this long for it to come out over here then you’re not really going to be bothered.
Yakuza 3
Sega Europe’s, Gary Knight said:

"Yakuza 3 was one of the most requested titles for localisation by our European Sega community, so we are delighted to be able to fulfil their wishes with this announcement."

"As well as delving even further into the rich narrative of the Yakuza universe, the development team have pushed the PlayStation 3 hardware to the limits to produce a beautiful and startlingly realistic depiction of the Japanese underworld."

Now, when can we expect Yakuza 4 to out over here, then?
Much like Microsoft’s ‘Classics’ range and Sony’s ‘Platinum’ games, Nintendo are preparing the launch of their budget label in Japan.

"Minna no Osusume Collection", or "Everyone’s Recommendation Collection", in English, is Nintendo new line-up of cheap, budget titles which were selected by users of the Japanese Wii’s Nintendo Channel. Tiles that had good, positive feed back from gamers were selected to be in the new range.
Wii Budget Titles
There will be seven games released in the line-up including the likes of Muramassa: The Demon Blade, Dragonball Z: Boudaki Tenkaichi 3 and Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World all for the price of 2,800 yen (£18.80). They’ll go on sale on February 25th.

Unfortunately, Nintendo haven’t announced any plans to do a similar line-up in Europe but they did bring out budget titles for the N64 and GameCube under the name of ‘Player’s Choice’ so there’s every chance that Nintendo will bring it back for the Wii.
Burnout Paradise developer, Criterion has announced to it’s fans that there will no longer be anymore downloadable content for the game.

Fans of the game have been shouting out for more DLC, but a post on Criterion’s Twitter page said:

"Please stop asking us for Burnout Paradise DLC. There will be no more! Sorry everyone! But we did WAY more than everyone else..."
Burnout Paradise
To be fair, they did do a lot more than other developers. In fact, they re-released the game, with all of the DLC already on the disc.

Criterion recently released details on DLC that was discussed for Paradise but never made it for one reason or another. They included time travel, the Wild West, planes and the Moon!? Maybe it’s a good idea to stop with the DLC after all.
One of the most iconic games, Tetris has reached a huge milestone this week with over 100 million downloads on to mobile phones since 2005.
The brick stacking puzzle game first hit it big when it was brought to the Game Boy back in 1989 and has since be on various platforms, but it looks as if it’s found a new home on everyone’s mobile phones.

Henk Rogers, the boss of Tetris rights manager at Blue Planet Software said:

“Tetris on mobile will never go away."
Screenshots of Bungie’s next Halo game have emerged and we have to say that they look pretty nice.
The Halo: Reach multiplayer beta is expected sometime Q1/Q2 this year.