Peter Jackson
Acclaimed film director behind the Lord of the Rings trilogy and that duff King Kong film, Peter Jackson has talking about how much he enjoys playing Modern Warfare 2.

In an interview with website ‘Ain’t it Cool News, where he should have been talking about his latest film, The Lovely Bones, Jackson talked about playing MW2 with his son.

"He went through the whole game I think about twice and I am almost through two player co-op, though I haven't quite reached the last level, but then we had to hit the road travelling, so we've had a break.”

"It is hard, I know, and to get to that final level, which is what? Echo is it? Bill and I have still got to crack through a lot of things to open up that one level, but it's a great game. I'm enjoying these games more than I am enjoying films at the moment."

Jackson also praised that cinematic techniques that were used in Modern Warfare 2 and how seamless it was to move from gameplay to in-game cut scene.

"They are starting to really blend them in and you get the feeling that you are watching substantial bits of pre-recorded animation which is still great, though, because they are dynamic and done well. They didn't used to be done very well in the old days, but there are people that actually know what they are doing."

Is there anybody out there who doesn’t like Modern Warfare 2? From tennis star to actors to film directors, this games has everybody hooked. We just wonder how long Jackson’s marriage will last until his wife dumps him, Andy Murry style.

Bobby Kotick has come clean and has confessed that the company’s recent Spider-Man games, over the past five years, have “sucked.”

In a recent interview with American gaming magazine, Game Informer Kotick said:

"Our Spider-Man games have sucked for the last five years. They are bad games. They were poorly rated because they were bad games."

"We went away from what is Spider-Man. It's about web-slinging. If you don't do web-slinging, what is the fantasy of Spider-Man?"
Spider-Man 3: The Game
We already knew they sucked. They were really terrible, perhaps with the exception of Spider-Man 2 which was pretty decent, but we find it funny that he’s only just telling us now, rather than five years ago.

There hasn’t been any word of a new Spider-Man game since the release of Spider-Man: Web of Shadows, which is probably a good thing when we think about it.
Here’s something that came way out of left-field, Rockstar have brought the DS and PSP classic, GTA: Chinatown Wars to the App store.

The game is compatible with both iPod Touch and iPhone devices and uses touch screen controls via a virtual thumbstick and face buttons. Graphically, it looks very similar to the DS version which, by no means, is a bad thing. It still look good.
GTA: Chinatown wars
So could this is the best version of the game? Well, we think so, when you consider how cheap it is - just £5.99! That’s a bargain compared to the £29.99 price tag that the PSP version has on the PSN Store.

The other cool thing about GTA: Chinatown Wars on iTunes is that you can import your own music and listen to your tunes while you’re committing illegal acts and killing people.

The game is available now, so what are you waiting for, get it now!
According to Activision, DJ Hero was last year's biggest money-making new IP in the US and Europe. Considering how much it costs to actually get a copy of the game into your house, we believe it.

Despite the game failing to reach similar sales to the Guitar Hero series, Activision is already pushing ahead with plans for DJ Hero 2. Activision boss, Bobby Kotick said:

"I think DJ Hero is a really innovative product, I can't wait for you to see next year's. That's the thing; we're sticking with it. We'll stick with it and get it right. But it's going to be less games, better games. That's our strategy."
DJ Hero
How long do you think it will be until we’ve got our hands on Accordion Hero, or maybe even Ukulele Hero?… We’re just joking, Activision. Please don’t take our ideas on board.
With last weeks horrifying news of an earthquake in Haiti, Bungie have decided to step-in and help out the cause.

If you play either Halo 3 or Halo 3: ODST online whilst wearing a certain emblem, Bungie will donate $100 to the Red Cross for Haiti relief, up to a maximum of $77,000. All you have to do is change your emblem to a white circle with a red heart in the middle. It’s that simple.
Halo 3: ODST Haiti cause
But there’s more. If you take a snapshot of your character and send them to Bungie, with the title “HERO”, then you’ll have the chance to win a special “Be a Hero!” Superintendent t-shirt if your picture is one of the best taken.
'Be a Hero!' Superintendent t-shirt
So why not jump Halo 3 right now, change your emblem and have fun online. It doesn’t take long to do and you’ll be helping out a good cause. You might even see us online representing… and tea-bagging anyone who gets in our way.
Rare are just finishing the last touches on their re-release of the N64 classic, Perfect Dark which is expected to arrive on Xbox Live Arcade sometime in February.
Perfect Dark XBLA
But it sounds as if the developer has plans to re-master some of its other games.

"Perfect Dark will be arriving on Xbox Live Arcade in the next few months, polished up by 4J Studios with improved textures and framerate, Leaderboards and Achievements, and of course online multiplayer.”

"We know there are a lot of people looking forward to that. There's nothing to announce yet after Perfect Dark, but we've got over 25 years of IP to dip into so there's no shortage of possibilities."

We’ve said it once and we’ll say it again: re-make Killer Instinct you bloody fools! We’ve waited long enough for Fulgore, TJ Combo and Chief Thunder to bust out an awesome C-C-Combo Breaker!… Make it happen
Heihachi Mishima
Daisuke Gouri, the Japanese voice actor behind the Tekken character Heihachi Mishima was found dead in Tokyo.

The 57 year-old actor was found with a knife at the scene along with his last will and testament. Japanese authorities are treating his death as a possible suicide.

Gouri lent his vocal talents to various games, playing the roles of Bass from the Dead or Alive series and Hercule from DragonBall Z games. He also worked on Metal Gear Solid 2, Final Fantasy XII and Soul Calibur.

As part of a week-long reveal of the characters that will feature in Project Needlemouse. Despite the long list of characters that were initially posted on Sega of America's blog last week, the names have now been whittled down to reveal none other than Sonic himself as the only playable character.

"In Project Needlemouse, there will be no new characters - playable or otherwise. The focus will remain solely on one blue hedgehog."
Along with announcement of Sonic being the only character in the game, Sega also revealed the first official piece of art work for the game.
Project Needlemouse enemy
As you can see, that enemy looks very similar to ‘Crabmeat’ from the first Sonic game back on the Mega Drive. Also, the writing in the bottom corner of the page is in Japanese, suggesting that the game is being developed in Japan, although there is no official word saying whether this is true or not.

Regardless of where it’s being made, this first piece of art work seems to be good proof that this latest Sonic game won’t suck balls like so many of the Hedgehog’s recent adventures.
Jordan Mechner, the creator of the Prince of Persia franchise, and scriptwriter behind the upcoming Prince of Persia movie has said that he loved the film and hopes that fans of the video games series will love it too.
Prince of Persia movie
“I wasn’t involved in casting but I love the cast. I think they’re all terrific. Jake looks a lot like the prince in the game. He’s a great actor and I think for me he embodies a lot of the qualities that sort of define the kind of hero that I’ve always seen the Prince as. He’s a warrior, but he’s also got a sort of mischievous quality, a certain vulnerability and I think Jake brings that to the screen in a way that’s really appealing."

“We really made the movie to stand on its own so even if you’ve never played Prince of Persia, you’ve never played a video game, you can completely enjoy it. But for people who have played the games, there are definitely moments of physical action that sort of allude to the game, that gamers can appreciate on another level."

“To me, the Prince of Persia is almost an old-fashioned kind of film. It’s romantic, adventurous, and it’s got these epic production values that can only be done today by a producer of the stature of Jerry Bruckheimer. For me, it’s very much the kind of movie that inspired the original game and very true to that tradition. But, at the same time, it goes beyond it. It’s more epic that I could have imagined. I love it and I hope the gamers will too.”

Despite everything that he’s just said, we still think that this movie will suck. You’ll be able to judge for yourself when it’s released in theatres Nationwide in May.
Hugo Chavez
The president of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez has spoken out against Sony saying that the PlayStation is “poison.”

Chavez took on Sony in his weekly radio/TV show ‘Alo Presidente’ and called on local manufacturers to make educational toys and dolls with indigenous peoples' features to replace capitalistic counterparts like the Barbie doll that "have nothing to do with our culture."

"Those games they call 'PlayStation' are poison. Some games teach you to kill. They once put my face on a game, 'you've got to find Chavez to kill him.'"
[These games also] promote the need for cigarettes, drugs and alcohol so they can sell them. That's capitalism, the road to hell."

The bloke, clearly, has a few screws loose. Perhaps we should visit him and give him a copy of LittleBIGPlanet. That should cheer the miserable git up.