Originally released on October 7th 2003 and designed to lure people away from Nintendo’s gameboy franchise with a host of top tire titles like tomb raider and sonic the hedgehog and even promise of an all new exclusive metal gear solid title, oh and it was a mobile phone the N-Gage surely could not disappoint, how wrong we where, fist of the screen was crap because it was vertical so you could not see if any thing was “coming right for ya” the games sat next to the sim card in the back so you had to remove the battery to change game and you looked like a twat if you ever had to make a call on it in public, yet despite all this the machine managed to make it though a couple of years to 2005 despite poor sales and built a small (you need a magnifying glass to see them) community of followers, it even got a slim re-design along the way, and since 2007 you have been able to download N-Gage titles for a range of nokia smart phones.
NO LONGER they cry, nokia have announced that the N-Gage gaming service will no longer function and that all of its games will be moved over to the Ovi Store and as of September 2010 the plug will be pulled for good on the N-Gage when all the games are removed from the Ovi Store, don’t worry though if you do have one of these pieces of crap (or a smart phone running the appropriate applications) and you still want to play on it you will be able to do so but all community connectivity features will cease to function such as leader boards etc.

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