Capcom are set to drop a bombshell at E3 with the announcement of a sequel to an existing Capcom franchise by a western development studio, Haruhiro Tsujimota (Capcom president) commented on how the company (Capcom) still plans to use western developers for just ports and sequels, rather than allowing them to develop new IP’s following the disappointing performances from both Bionic Commando and Dark Void.
The two big titles that are doing the rounds at the moment regarding he “bombshell” are Devil May Cry which has been rumoured to be in development at Ninja Theory and Resident Evil which would tie in with producer Jun Takeuchi’s decision to leave the Resident Evil project.
A tried and some what trusted source of information is all ways a companies job listings to see what sort of projects they are working on, and EA’s Visceral studio’s is no different, they have just posted a job listing for a position working on “sequel to a major new IP” “this is a major opportunity to contribute to a bold new franchise, heavily backed by the EA Games Label”.
Dante's Inferno
Now as far as we can tell Visceral are right in the middle of working on the sequel to Dead Space so the only other new IP sequel it could before is Dante’s Inferno, this is slightly out of sorts as producer Jonathan Knight said earlier this year that there were no plans for a second game, then again considering the game received high review scores a sequel might just be what EA ordered.
Sony are expected to announce at E3 this year that they are set to rollout a PSN paid subscription service for premium content, don’t worry though it would seem that online gaming would remain free. Kaz Harai (Chairman and Group Chief Executive Officer of Sony Computer Entertainment, Inc) was quick to issue a statement that said any possible premium service would only add features to all ready existing ones on the platform.

“We are studying the possibility of introducing a subscription model, offering premium content and services, in addition to the current free services”

It was all so leaked that the price point for such a premium service would come out at under £50 a year, very similar to XBOX LIVE and that a subscriber could expect a free PSN game once a month, that seems a little to generous to be true though.

Not wanting to be left out the PS3 is now getting its own exclusive console specific character skins for Lost Planet 2 in the form of two helghast soldiers set for a free DLC release in June, and much like the XBOX 360 exclusive skins Marcus and Dom
From Gears of War we expect that the game has to be completed in order to unlock them and the populate the online match making with nothing but them Frank West and Albert Wesker.
Treyarch have dropped a massive hint that that there up coming title Call of Duty: Black Ops will see the return of the ever popular Zombie mode from Call of Duty: World at War. When asked about the Zombie mode making a return in the new title studio head Mark Lamia said:

“We really like the Zombie Mode, and as I mentioned I can't talk about the co-op mode other than to say one of the reasons we love it so much is that it feels like it was a fan adopted mode, made out of passion of a lot of the team members here”
Call of Duty: Black Ops
For our money the Zombie mode was the best part of Call of Duty: World at War and we would love to see it make a return this time with some faster a guns to fend them off with.
Microsoft’s up coming motion sensing camera Project Natal has just been given the RRP point of £130 by a number of Swedish retailers, it is worth bearing in mind that this price is all most certainly not an official price set by Microsoft this close to E3 and that Wedbush Morgan Securities analyst Michael Pachter gave a predicted RRP of only $50 earlier in the year. With E3 just around the corner we should be able to bring you a better idea of an official price soon.
Project Natal
The Legend of Zelda
Nintendo legend Miyamoto has been talking recently about how he has tried to make the control system for the up coming Zelda title (the second one on the Wii) more accessible to casual gamers.

“For us, it is important to the to optimise gameplay and make the controls easier. We do our best to make the controls player friendly, since 'Zelda' has become complicated”

He all so made note to comment on what fellow college Eiji Anoumas has said about plans to surprise fans of the Zelda series and all so a little bit on the mysterious character in the games promo art poster.

“For us, two things are important: to meet expectations and to surprise people. How we do it this time, I will not reveal. Normally, we create the video sequences, and these sequences are expanded. But this time we started with the game structure. And then with the video sequences. So this time it was reversed. Therefore, we have had little so far from the game to show. But will publish a lot close to the game's completion”

“This image plays an important role in the plot. At E3 you will see what I mean”

Ok we are making an open bet that the character has some thing to do with the games signature weapon the Master Sword, but we don’t really have long to wait as E3 is just around the corner.

Sony are set to release a series of PSP titles at a new budget price in there new PSP essentials collections, the essentials collection will see Sony re-releasing some of the handheld’s best selling titles at the cheap as chips price of £9.99

Sony's European product marketing manager for hardware and platforms Isabelle Tomatis commented

“Releasing PSP Essentials makes sure that every PSP gamer - and younger newcomers in particular - can get their hands on the best portable gaming experiences at affordable prices”
7 titles are planned to kick off the new range

- Daxter
- Everybody's Golf
- LocoRoco
- Secret Agent Clank
- WipEout Pulse
- Patapon 2
- Buzz! Master Quiz

with another 10 to follow later in the month.
Activision have been caught remarking the following internet domain names

Call of Duty: Future Warfare

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare

Call of Duty: Secret Warfare

Call of Duty: Space Warfare

Which is a not to subtle hint as to where we might expect to see the franchise heading in the coming years, but what do you think about playing a futuristic CoD, do you feel that games like Tom Clancy Advanced War fighter have got the market sown up or would you like to see CoD go even further and compete in a Halo series universe type of game ???

Sega have just published a new website teasing a new XBOX 360 action game, after a bit of doggie google translating we have been able to work out that the site is the start of a 10 day countdown, but what is the site a countdown for well speculation has already begun but the most popular titles that keep reappearing are Jet Set Radio, Panzer Dragon, Shenmue 3 or even the a follow up to Mad World.
View the full teaser site here