Namco Bandai have revealed that there will be six different gifts for people who decide to pre-order Tekken 6 depending on where you pre-order it from. At the time of writing, only five retailers have announced what gift they will be giving out. Here is a short list of who they are and what they will be giving out.

Game - Special Collector Cards
GameStation - Tekken Calendar
HMV - Official Tekken T-Shirt
Blockbuster - Tekken Baseball Cap - Lapel Pins

The sixth pre-order gift is a Tekken 6 wristband but we suspect that will be getting it.

Namco Bandai is also releasing two special editions of the game. One will have the game and a Tekken 6 hoodie for £69.99 and the second will have the game and an arcade stick for the mere price of £149.99.

If we had a choice of six gifts we’d probably pick the pin badge. The others look pretty crap.
A few details about a sequel to the popular Dead Space, developed by Visceral Games, have been leaked in the form of a job advertisement., revealing that the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions are currently in pre-production with the original team behind the first game.

The advert reads:

“Seeking a highly motivated Lead combat designer for the Dead Space franchise on Xbox360 and PS3. This is a major opportunity to contribute creatively to an exciting new franchise.”

“With games like Dead Space, Dead Space Extraction and Dante’s Inferno, Visceral Games is a return to an older identity and a realization of our future.

This M-rated action/shooter sequel will set new standards for an action-packed story-driven console experience. Our team values are as follows: Gameplay comes first, controller feel is everything, culture of creativity, be highly iterative, playtest early and often, learn from failure, work fast and smart, and surround ourselves with the best talent in the world.
The previous instalment in the Dead Space franchise received numerous awards for gameplay, visuals, and sound design, and the same core team is in place to create an even better follow up.

The game is in the later stages of pre-production, ready for production in the next few months, with many of the navigational and combat mechanics in place. We have complete autonomy and creative control over our own decisions. The Games Label at EA is 100% committed to this IP, and has already worked on IP extensions such as comic, animated features, and action figures.
We’re looking for a few more talented individuals to join, and take the game to new heights.“

Looks like someone’s going to get fired for that blunder. You can check out the full advertisement here
The first details of Gameloft’s re-mastered Earthworm Jim title, which will be available on XBLA, PSN and WiiWare, have hit the internet.

The game will be based of the Sega Mega Drive version and will have improved graphics, smoother gameplay, a soundtrack composed by Tommy Tallarico and the introduction of a difficulty setting as-well-as the bonus stages from the Mega CD version of the game. There will also be a one month XBLA exclusive in the form of online larboards which will track how many kills you’ve scored and how quickly you’ve completed the game.

Although the original creators of Earthworm Jim, Dave Perry and Doug Nepal, are not on board with the remake; Gameloft are aware of the chronology of the series and will be faithful to the original game. Game loft also mention that there will be a few “surprises” which will be revealed at a later date.
Earthworm Jim
Nintendo has announced that Wii Fit Plus will be out across Europe on October 30th.

Wii Fit Plus is the follow-up to the smash hit Wii Fit which, to this day, still manages to reach the top ten sales charts every week. Wii Fit Plus is what you’d expect from a “sequel” ; there are new mini games and more workouts and yoga exercises to try out, but this time you can customise your own workout routines to suit you.

We can pretty much guarantee that Wii Fit Plus will be just as popular as the original, so you better get hold of a copy as soon as you can before Christmas. Or you could buy a ‘proper’ video game. The choice is yours.
Let’s be honest, Capcom aren’t very good at keeping secrets. Everybody knew about Dead Rising 2, Marvel Vs Capcom 2 and Okamiden before they were even officially announced. The same can now be said about Super Street Fighter IV.

With Super Street Fighter IV now confirmed, we can let you in on some information about the game. First of all, there will be a total of eight new characters, two of which have already been revealed; T. Hawk from Super Street Fighter II make a comeback in SSFIV and newcomer Juri makes her presence known as the very first Tae-Kwon-Do fighter in SF history. It also looks as if Dee Jay will be making an appearance in the game too as seen here in the latest issue of Famitsu.
Dee Jay and T. Hawk in Famitsu magazine
This is all the proof we need
SSFIV will also include "comprehensive tuning" of existing fighters as well as New ultra combos for returning fighters and reworked online matches. Unfortunately, SSFIV will not be DLC but will, instead, be released on it’s own disc. The games developer, Yoshinori Ono, explained why.

“There were times when we considered just going with a download approach with this, but the reality of it is that there’s so much content in it and so much fine tuning going that it’s just not practical as a download, so it will be a full-on disc release.”

But don’t worry about the price of SSFIV, because Ono went on to say:

“I do want to make this promise right now, it’s no going to be a full price game.”

If you already own SFIV then don’t be tempted to trade it in because, from the sounds of it, there may be a bonus for you.

“To be clear, this is not an expansion disc as much as you don’t need the original game to play this one, but you’ll be happy you didn’t sell your copy of IV when this game comes out.”

Super Street Fighter IV is due out in Spring 2010 on Xbox 360 and PS3.
After the release of the demo to Forza Motorsport 3, people have been criticizing the games graphics and saying that they don’t as good the screenshots.

Complaints focus mainly on the car models, which appear to be of a noticeably lower detail than when in the game's photo mode.

Turn 10 representative, Che Chou says:

"One clarification about photomode and screenshots we've released so far. Aside from the added effects such as AA, DOF, and motion blur, all assets you see in photomode are the same."

"Although I do stand corrected on one factor which is the player car. They do have higher detail in photomode while all other cars, the environments, etc. are exactly what you see in game."

"Games with bad graphics distract me from my experience. That said, when I play FM3, I do not think about how awful the graphics are or low in-game car models, etc. simply because the overall effect is that the game looks good. Can it look better? Yes, totally and I agree it is not perfect. But does it justify the vitriol of some of the threads I've scanned this morning? I'm not sure that it does."
Forza Motorsport 3
If you think that this dosen't look good, then you're blind
Rock Band 2 has been out for Xbox 360 and Ps3 for a while now, but today EA, Harmonix and MTV Games have announced that that the Wii version will be out sometime next month in the UK and Europe.

"Featuring over 100 songs, Rock Band 2 showcases an extensive music catalogue with an eclectic blend of classic and new artists. The Rock Band library for Wii in Europe will have over 250 songs available on disc and for download by early 2010 with new content added weekly."

Well, it’s about bloody time.
Rumours of “Super Street Fighter IV” seem to be true as images of T. Hawk and new character Juri have emerged on the internet along with a logo of the new game.
Super Street Fighter IV
You may have already seen on our front page that a photo of Street Fighter IV producer, Yoshinori Ono and a Peter Andre look-a-like showed what looked to be T. Hawk; as-well-as a teaser site that was announced by Capcom this morning with two people fighting and the words ‘New Warrior’ in the URL. Well, if these screen shots of T. Hawk and Juri don’t confirm “Super Street Fighter IV” then we’ll eat our shoes as-well-as our hats.
The interesting thing about these screenshots is that the ‘Ultra’ now says ‘Ultra I Combo’; could this mean that there will now be more than one Ultra move, like there were various ‘Special’ moves in the Alpha series? And will these new characters be available via DLC or will “Super Street Fighter IV” be released as a completely separate game? Only time will tell.

The teaser site will be making an announcement tomorrow at 5pm in Japan, which is 9am over here.
Infinity Ward have announced the news that eagerly waiting fans of Modern Warfare 2 didn’t want to hear; there will not be a demo before the games released on November 10th.

A spokesman from Infinity Ward announced the bad news via the company’s Twitter page.

"No plan for a Demo before launch. The entire team is focused on polish all the way up to ship of the full game."

Even if they are polishing up the game, ready for release, we can’t wait 43 days! We want to play it now!
Capcom legend Keiji Inafune (the director of Dead Rising 2) has spoken about his disappointment with the Tokyo Game Show last week, saying that the Japanese games industry is “finished”.

"Personally when I looked around [at] all the different games at the TGS floor, I said 'Man, Japan is over. We're done. Our game industry is finished.'"

He did, however, go on to say that the American-developed Dead Rising 2 looks “kick ass” . Hmm… perhaps he was more disappointed about what other companies were showing off as apposed to the gaming industry as a whole?