If you are currently enjoying an illegally torrented copy of either Forza 3 or Borderlands then Microsoft are onto you or to be more precise Xbox Live Director of Policy and Enforcement Stephen Toulouse is onto you

"You know, when you play a pre-release title on LIVE when I know you shouldn’t have it, it’s not hard for me to figure out,"
i got my eye on you
However if you have received a legal copy via a store selling it to you a head of time or arriving from and online store early and a currently playing it don’t worry, as he went on to say

"Don’t worry folks, anyone who bought a copy early is ok. In general, if you got a receipt, play away. These are illegit copies we’re hitting."

Now just how he can tell the difference we are not sure, maybe he’s going to come round to the house of every one seen playing games ahead of time online and ask for proof of purchase or maybe he has some sort of pirate radar either the message is clear, pirate games and Stephen Toulouse will give you a round house kick to the face.
Gearbox and 2K Games are yet more developers that have gotten into the bad habit of announcing DLC for games that are not even out yet. The Zombie Island of Dr.Ned is planned for release later this year at a cost of 800 Microsoft points.

“Tasked with keeping the workers of Jakobs Cove alive, Dr. Ned (who is not related to Dr. Zed from Fyrestone) does his job a little too well, creating zombies and other abominations that now run rampant in this region. Players will have to work alongside Dr. Ned as they embark on a quest to cure the inhabitants of Jakobs Cove in this full-fledged expansion filled with new enemies, new quests and rare loot drops.”
The burning question here really is that if you are able to announce this DLC a head of the game coming out that means you were planning it before that game was finished so why the hell is it not on the retail disc ?.
Shigeru Miyamoto has said he would love to see user generated content in a Super Mario World

“This is an area that I have a lot of interest in, and I think that the side-scrolling Mario games in particular are well suited to that idea."

“Of course the Mario vs. Donkey Kong series is one that’s made in North America by NST, but it’s one that I’ve been involved in and from early on. We did have a lot of discussions about how to enable that kind of level creation in that series.”

“And I think those types of interactive experiences are going to continue to broaden and we’ll see a lot more user-generated content going forward. I’ve always had an interest in those kinds of creative tools, so I will definitely be open to ideas like that in the future.”
This is of course the exact opposite of what Nintendo seems to want as they try ever harder to stop people moding there games and Wii systems at a time when companies like Microsoft are doing the opposite and allowing the community to grow and evolve with there XBL creators indie games programs.
A subsidiary of SEGA, SEGAGames has been given an interactive online gambling license by the Alderney Gambling Control Commission (AGCC) that will allow them to produce SEGA branded games for online gaming.
Rob Bowling form Infinity Ward has commented on why the developer has dropped coop play from the campaign aspect of the game saying that it ruined the experience they had worked so hard to achieve.

“We did it early on; that’s what Spec Ops started out as, as co-op through story."

“But it really broke the cinematic experience, took the immersion out of it, out of the story and the pacing and everything we’d spent so long crafting. It just ruined the experience we were aiming for, so we took it out, kept the single-player for that one player intact and polished it.”

“But then there were moments that were really fun with two players, so we took those moments and put them in Spec Ops."

“So you can play moments directly taken from the single-player, in Spec Ops, but it’s polished towards those two players so the experience is pure. You really get the best of both worlds: you get the moments that were fun, but the moments that were shitty we took out.”

As far as we are concerned coop is must for all games as not everyone has the ability to play online, taking it out of the campaign sucks but at least they have worked to deliver a separate coop experience
Just like the existence of the actual PS3 slim that every new about ages before is was officially announced Sony have officially conformed the existence of a new 250gb PS3 slim due for release on November 3rd in the US priced as $349.99. No word yet on a UK release date but we will keep you posted.
250gb PS3
Just in time for the Christmas rush Nintendo are rolling out a line of black Wii remotes, nunchuk’s and Wii motionplus’ all to go with your brand new black Wii………. Scratch the last part there is no black Wii to accompany this stuff so what the point, well Nintendo of America’s executive vice president of Sales & Marketing Cammie Dunaway had this to say.

“The Wii Remote revolutionized not only how people play games, but also who plays them. The new colour lets people customize their setup, and the controllers make great stocking stuffers for players of any age.”
Wii black
No they look like crap when you don’t have a black Wii to use them with.
Just in time for Halloween as just as expected Microsoft have rolled out a line of Halloween themed costumes on the avatar market place costing the same price as most indie games and you can count on them rolling out a new line up at Christmas and probably every other holiday, to be honest we would rather take our MSP and buy an arcade title like zombie apocalypse, battlefield 1943 or south park lets go tower defence play.
360 Halloween
Only you can stop Microsoft from owning every penny you have DON’T BUY THIS STUFF honestly if you have money just laying around to waste on this virtual doll crap give it charity.
Nintendo have announced that from November 7th to November 15th in Toys’R’Us across America you will finally be able to obtain the 493rd Pokemon Arceus, all you need to do is go along to a participating store between the given dates with your copy of Pokemon Diamond, Pear or Platinum and have the Pokemon downloaded to you game the when Heartgold & Soulsilver come out transfer said Arceus to that game to unlock a hidden area called the Shinto Ruins.
No dates have been given as yet for a UK tour but we will keep you posted with any details we get.
Can’t wait for the Facebook and Twitter releases on Xbox 360? Then you might be in luck as Microsoft have announced that sign-up’s have begun for people who want to try out the beta versions of both Facebook and Twitter.
Microsoft's Xbox Live Director of Programming, Larry Hryb (aka Major Nelson), said:

"I am happy to announce that we're doing an Xbox Live Update Preview program for upcoming features such as Zune, Facebook and Twitter."

"Much like we have done in the past, you'll need to visit the Microsoft Connect site from this link and sign in with your Windows LIVE ID that is connected to your Xbox Live Gamertag."

“Once you do that, you need to fill out the 'Xbox Live Update Preview Sign Up' survey in order to be considered for receiving the Preview System Update. We're asking a few questions about where you live, your home network, ISP connection and a few other pieces of information. We are looking for a good cross-section of our members in order to get the best feedback we can."

Any Xbox Live member can sign up for the beta even if you have Silver subscription. Microsoft are hoping that thousands of people will be testing out the new services.