There may only be two new screenshots from Sonic the Hedgehog 4 but we’re still pretty pumped about them.

The screens come from PatnerNet which is the debug version of Xbox Live on test consoles, which nobody's supposed to write about, let alone grab screenshots from. Someone’s been a little bit naughty, then.
The came will be released on Xbox Live, WiiWare and PlayStation Network this summer. We can’t wait to get our hands on this one.
Ubisoft’s creative director for Red Steel 2, Jason Vandenberghe has shared his thoughts on realistic games on the Wii, saying that there’s no point in developing them.
Red Steel 2
In an interview with CVG magazine, Vandenberghe said:

"I don't see the point in trying to do too much realism on the Wii."

"Why compete with the Xbox 360? The Conduit is a great example. Talk about an incredible piece of technology. Those guys did an amazing job of modernizing the Wii engine."

"It's got to be frustrating for them (High Voltage),"
he added. "Gamers will see the flaws, not your work. They're not going to see all the effort you put in. Any developers working on the Wii, I recommend you stylise the look because it helps. I think it looks cool anyway."

It’s a fair comment than he made, and we agree with him. The Wii could never pull off a game like Alan Wake or Heavy Rain. Let’s hope that they can’t deliver a good gaming experience with Red Steel 2.
John Carmack
id Software's John Carmack will receive the Lifetime Achievement Award at the Game Developer’s Conference in March for his contributions to the art and science of games.

The Lifetime Achievement Award recognizes the career and achievements of developers who have made an impact on game development. Carmack has more than two decades of groundbreaking technical contributions under his belt with games such as Wolfenstien, Doom and Quake.

Previous Lifetime award winner, Will Wright will be presenting the award to Carmack at the ceremony on March 11. Sid Meier and Shigeru Miyamoto have also received the award in the past.

Meggan Scavio, the Event Director of GDC, commented on Carmack’s achievement, saying:

"It's no exaggeration to say that John Carmack and id Software have had a monumental influence on all modern 3D games, but especially the first-person shooter genre."

"John is one of the key figures in the history of video games, and we're delighted to be giving him the Lifetime Achievement award this year."

Congratulation, John Carmack and good luck for the future. Now then, where’s our award for “most kick-ass website”?

It looks like there is going to be a third MotorStorm game coming soon as Sony have registered the URL But the company claims that the game isn’t being developed.
Sony released a statement, regarding the web address, saying just because they registered the domain, doesn’t mean a new game is on the way.

“It’s not uncommon for us to secure the URLs containing the names of our successful IP, and those actions should not be interpreted as an announcement of a new title in a franchise."

We’re sorry, Sony. How foolish of us to think that a new MotorStorm game was coming because you created a domain name for it. We should have never jumped to a conclusion, even if it is such an obvious one.

We’d bet good money that this turns up at E3.
SCEA's Rob Dyer has teased "big, big titles coming this year" for the PSP from third party developers, with announcements coming at both GDC and E3 this spring and summer.
Sony PSP
In an interview with Industry Gamers, Dyer said:

"We still have a very robust line-up this year from third parties on the PSP, starting with Metal Gear Peace Walker."

"I won't go through the whole line-up because I want our third-party partners to make those announcements, but there are some big, big titles coming out this year and you'll see those announcements at GDC, DPS (Destination PlayStation) or E3."

We’ll admit that the library of PSP games has gotten a lot better in the past year or two, but what else could we be expecting? We’ll let you know more when the announcements are made later in the year.
Halo: Reach
Brian Jarrard, Community Lead at Bungie has revealed some details that players can expect from the Halo: Reach beta this summer.

Speaking to Xbox Live Editor, Major Nelson, Jarrard said:

"It basically will represent a sub-section of almost every main portion of the game. For example, we'll have a couple of the new armour abilities that we've been talking about which are sort of the new version of equipment which have pretty immense implications for gameplay.”

"So some of those will be in there, some of the weapons will be in there, we'll have a subset of maps, we'll have a subset of game-types some of which are returning favourites, some are brand new that people don't even know about yet.”

"So, all in all it's going to be a really good representative sampling of the final game. But of course we're going to hold back some stuff as we've got a long way to go until the fall and we want people to have some stuff to look forward to."

Looks like we’ll have quite a lot to look forward to in the Halo: reach beta with all new weapons, game types and maps. Finally, something to look forward to, this summer.

Having made games such as Half-Life, Left 4 Dead and Portal we’re pretty sure that Valve aren’t in any hurry to make a more casual game. Well, the developer has pledged that they’ll never make a “tiresome” party game.

Speaking to UK magazine, CVG,
Valve writer Chet Faliszek said that the studio believes Project Natal is "really cool," but begged other developers not to waste the opportunity it presents.

"Hopefully we've gotten past the point of mini-games," he said. "I'm sick of that. That's not a game for me anymore. Let's get some real interaction going. “

"We have these technologies now that let us interact in different, really exciting ways. It's developers' jobs to do something with it. Impress me. Don't just make shitty games I wouldn't want to play if I had to use a joystick."

When asked if Valve was looking to put Natal compatibility in any of its future Left 4 Dead games, Faliszek added:

"We'll see. You won't have to make the arm movement of sawing off a zombie's head in some tiresome mini-game. I can promise you that."

Good man. We’re also tired of boring ass min-game and party games. Let’s get back to basics, where we saved princesses and killed aliens invading Earth.

A new patent, filed by Nintendo, suggests that their next handheld console (presumably the DS 2) will feature rumble feedback.

An informer at The Pokemon Company has already spilled the beans on development kits for the DS 2, but they couldn't reveal any specifics about the hardware.
Nintendo DS Lite
Previous information suggests that the console with have motions sensing technology, much like the iPhone. Here's a snippet of the patent:

"A game apparatus includes an LCD, and a touch panel is placed on a top surface of the LCD. A player instructs an enemy character displayed on the LCD by use of a stick to attack the enemy character. For example, in a case that the enemy character exists at a depth of a game screen, little damage is applied to the enemy character, and a weak vibration is applied to the game apparatus. Conversely, in a case that the enemy character exists at a front of the game screen, much damage is applied to the character, and a strong vibration is applied to the game apparatus. In either case, the vibrations are transmitted to the fingers or hands of the payer via the stick."

There’s so much technology in many different consoles’ now a-days. Remember when you only had a D-pad and four buttons? Those were the days.
Capcom have revealed that they plan to make an announcement in April that will knock your socks off.
John Diamonon from Capcom said teased the big news, along with announcing the 50% price cut of Marvel vs. Capcom on the PSN. He simply said:

"I'll be back in April for a huge announcement. Stay tuned and let the speculation begin!"

So the door is wide open as to what this “huge announcement” is. We’re hoping that it has something to do with either Final Fight, Power Stone or bringing their Disney NES games to Virtual Console/XBLA/PSN, but it’d better not be some sodding April Fool’s joke.
Clearly, Valve don’t like to make games for the PlayStation 3. Both Left 4 Dead games are more than enough proof of that, but it seems as if the developer could be making PS3 games in the near future.

Last year, Doug Lombardi of Valves marketing department commented on the PS3 version of The orange Box, saying:

“If we were customers of that product (The Orange Box) on PlayStation, we'd feel like we sort of got the stepchild version of the product while the guys on the PC and the 360 got the sweet version.”

But in a recent interview with Edge magazine about the up coming DLC for Left 4 Dead 2 on Xbox 360Valve writer, Chet Faliszek said:

"Before we do anything on the PS3 we need to be able to support it in the right way. But we'll look at it, and I'm sure down the road we'll do it."

Perhaps we could see a port of L4D on the PlayStation 3 in the near future… Hopefully not, because it would probably be rubbish like The Orange Box was on that system.