Capcom are set for a “big announcement” this coming Thursday as the company Tweeded:

“Big announcement… 2 days to go!”

Some of you may remember that Capcom’s last ‘big announcement’ turned out to be nothing more that their line-up for GamesCom ‘09. But a Tweet from Super Street Fighter IV producer, Yoshinori Ono could give us a clue to what Capcom’s big announcement could be.

Ono Tweeded:

"Super SF4 on sale!! SuperSF4 is nothing compared to what's coming!!"
So what could he be talking about? Well, when Ono was ask if his Tweet was referring to the beat’em up game, Darkstalkers he said:

"I'm left speechless yet..... Shhhh."

This, of course, doesn’t confirm that Capcom’s big announcement will be about a new Darkstalkers game… but it’s looking pretty likely.

We’ll let you know about Capcom’s big news on Thursday, so stay tuned.
The long awaited Playstaion exclusive Gran Turismo 5 is all most upon us (well in November) and along with the opportunity to drive around the Top Gear test track you will now all so be able to do it as the one, the only, the might, the Stig.
The Stig
Ed Boon co-creator of Mortal Kombat has been speaking about how the developers are playing on reaching and M rating or nothing.

“Mortal Kombat is known for and associated with violence”

“The developers are actually modelling the insides of each character, from brains to bowels”

“When you cut somebody in half, rip their arms off, or otherwise dismember them you will see their realistically rendered insides as they come spilling out of their body and eyes are gouged from their sockets, faces are disfigured, and limbs are torn asunder”
Mortal Kombat
343 industries, Microsoft self appointed studio to over see the Halo universe after Bungie departs it (and the games stop being any good just look at Halo Wars), has gone a recruitment frenzy over the past 3 days they have posted job listing for 17 different job roles, every thing from artists to programmers to producers .


“343 Industries is forging the future of Halo, expanding and building upon one of the most important and successful franchises in gaming history”

“Halo is a rich and exciting universe that encompasses AAA video games, New York Times best-selling novels, world-class animation and much, much more. Just you wait. 343 is set to revolutionize gaming and entertainment by putting the industry's fiercest talent in one room and diving for cover. Come be part of the awesome.”
To be honest we really could care less about 343 as for us Bungie will all ways be Halo and vicar versa, still cool to see what they come up with the Waypoint was a bit much but the Legends DVD was cool.
Sega Saturn
The other week, we told you that Sega were planning to release around 20 Dreamcast games on both Xbox Live Arcade and the PlayStation Network. But what about the possibility of Sega Saturn games making their return on the digital services?

Yosuke Okunari, the man behind some of the upcoming Dreamcast releases, has explained why Sega decided to bring back Dreamcast games instead of Saturn ones.

"The Genesis and Dreamcast are well known, but Saturn is unknown,” he said. “During that period, PlayStation and Nintendo 64 were a success overseas, but to be honest Saturn was not a success. Because of this, we decided on Dreamcast."

But there may still be hope for the Saturn fanatics, as Okunari mentioned that Sega are still considering to port over some Saturn titles to different digital services.

"What we announced this time is a project where we will have consecutive releases of titles that were debuted on Dreamcast. Separate from this, we're of course thinking about ports of Saturn games. It's the same as how Sega Ages and Virtual Console were separate existences. It's not that we have no intention of porting Saturn titles."

Although the Sega Saturn wasn’t a huge success, it still hold a special place in many gamers (including us). If Sega ever had trouble thinking about what games to port over, then we’d be more than happy to give them a list a games as long as our arms.

According to a recent survey conducted by, Japanese consumers aren't interested in 3D TVs and do not intend to purchase one for their homes.

8,957 people responded to the survey and 67.4 percent of respondents said they didn't intend to upgrade to a 3D capable TV. 

70 percent of respondents referred to the glasses as an issue with 3D TVs, 57 percent said the high price tag was a deterrent and nearly 40 percent said the lack of 3D content was another factor for this decision.
With so few Japanese consumers showing very little interest in the new technology, Sony could be faced with a very tough battle with their push for 3D TVs and 3D gameplay on PlayStation 3.

Personally, we think that 3D TV is nothing more than a gimmick. Seriously, who wants to wear stupid glasses to watch a film or play a game?
Just like they did with the release of Modern Warfare 2, gaming peripheral company Mad Catz will be releasing more unnecessary crap for the highly anticipated Call of Duty: Black Ops.

The company announced that they have extended their licensing agreement with Activision for another year.
MW2 Throat Communicator
But we were surprised to hear that online game retailer, Game Gears announced that Mad Catz will be releasing NINE different peripherals for CoD: Black Ops.

No details were given about what peripherals would be going on sale, but it’s safe to assume that Throat Communicators, Face Plates and themed controllers will all be making their return… but still, nine!?
Pikmin 3 was a shock absentee from E3 last month but Shigeru Miyamoto has reassured fans that the game is "progressing well".

Speaking at a recent shareholders meeting, Miyamoto said:

"Amongst the present promises, I have to finish Pikmin quickly, so production is progressing extremely well."
Pikmin 3
Usually, Nintendo (along with other companies) use E3 to showcase their line-up of games for the Winter release schedule. Seeing as Pikmin wasn’t shown at this years E3 we’re guessing that it’ll be out sometime next year.
Shuhei Yoshida
In a recent interview SCE worldwide studios boss Shuhei Yoshida has spoken about how he feels it is wrong for Nintendo to continually have a go at Sony for using 3D glasses to produce the 3D where as Nintendo has mastered the ability to do it with out them.

Shuhei Yoshida

“I have hope that they have a broader perspective with 3D, when you listen to what they are saying about the effect of 3D perspective to the games, they are saying the same message we are, but they don't have to bash some small part of what the other company is doing”

“We'd like to work together to promote 3D”

Grow up your business rival and that is what rivals do talk smack about each other, truth is Nintendo have do it why can’t you, your a global electronics company Nintendo just make video games.

In a move that can hopefully only be met with joy by so many beaten Star Wars fans LucasArts has been talking about plans to possible bring the tale of Lord Vader’s secret apprentice to the small screen.

Haden Blackman

“Hopefully some day we will see these characters on the big or little screen”

“we're already seeing it [The Force Unleashed] reach out into publishing with comic books and novels that are taking into account stories we've created and characters we've created”

“We're dealing in a period of time that has largely been unexplored by anything," he said. "Force Unleashed was the first major story we set in that time period. I think we surprised a lot of fans with that story because we showed the formation of the Rebel Alliance and introduce the concept of the dark secret apprentice”
The Force Unleashed
As a game The Force Unleashed was ok but as Star Wars cannon it was great and after being dealt a kick in the ball from Lucas with the last three films The Force Unleashed TV / Movie would go a long way to making up for it. The Force Unleashed 2 is set to be released October 26.